You’ve Got to Know When to Hold ‘Em, Know When to Fold Them

33 Covers Featuring the Book’s Characters Depicted on Playing Cards

Hey, there! Are you eating a tasty sandwich while reading this page? If so, you can thank playing cards for making your snack possible.

As the story goes, the word “sandwich” was born in London one night in 1762 when an English nobleman — specifically, John Montagu, the Fourth Earl of Sandwich — was too busy gambling to stop for a meal. Hungry, he ordered a waiter to bring him roast beef between two slices of bread, allowing him to continue his card playing without getting his fingers greasy from the meat.

Aside from being a degenerate gambler, he was also corrupt and incompetent, two undesirable qualities for the First Lord of the Admiralty. In fact, it’s very likely he indirectly contributed to the success of America’s independence. According to one historian: “Sandwich managed to reduce the British Navy to a state of total confusion around the time that the American Revolution started — a contribution at least as significant as the munchable lunch.”

Hmm, comic characters enjoying a good sandwich — that sounds like a good future subject for Curious Covers (although we might end up with nothing but covers starring Dagwood and Jughead). In the meantime, enjoy these covers showing comic characters re-imagined as playing cards. I think you’ll agree they’re all aces.

(Yes, I should be ashamed for saying that, thanks for asking.)

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